Discover the joy of shopping with our H5 promotion, 'Home Harmony Weekend Fun -- Good Wife Mop at 39.9 Yuan'. Designed with the power of's 'Online Design' feature, this engaging H5 showcases an array of weekend deals at Home Harmony Supermarket. From Cat's tooth rice at 56 Yuan per bag to Green beans and rock sugar at 4.99 Yuan per 500g, the deals are endless. Enjoy the excitement of shopping with products like A'oklady Mop at 39.90 Yuan per mop and Dove Body Milk Lotion at 35 Yuan per bottle. Don't miss the special offers such as buying one and getting one free for Aoklady's Sweet Wine Lees, or the 3.9 Yuan per can deal on Langyu Beer. Plus, get a bucket free with the purchase of Lirai series over 48 Yuan. This H5 is a perfect example of how's rich template library can help businesses create eye-catching and effective promotional content quickly.