Discover the '酷视卡套餐' H5 presentation, meticulously crafted by Eqxiu's online design platform. This engaging and informative piece invites users to unwind and explore the benefits of the package, featuring an easy-to-follow overview of the plan's offerings. The package includes free directional traffic for Youku video app, a convenient option for video enthusiasts. With details such as unlimited domestic calls at 0.1 yuan per minute, domestic data at 0.1 yuan per MB, and free incoming calls, the酷视卡套餐 presents a cost-effective solution for users. Additionally, the package offers free incoming call display and a 189 email upon activation. The package is available for new customers only, and activation is required within 30 days of card delivery. With Eqxiu's user-friendly interface and extensive template library, creating such compelling H5s is made quick and effortless.