SSE RADIO STATION SEASON 2, brought to you by the online design platform, showcases the engaging and inspiring journey of the SSE Changying Center's second season of the SESAME STREET ENGLISH RADIO STATION. This H5 piece celebrates the confidence and openness of the young learners as they embrace the opportunity to shine. With a focus on empowering children, the station has become a hub for young voices to be heard. Meet Wang Tongjia (Jennifer), a 4-year-old standard beauty who, at first, was a bit shy when joining SSE. Through interactions with her peers and teachers, she has transformed into a lively and confident individual, often seen answering questions enthusiastically in class and sharing food with her friends during breaks. This delightful little star has won the hearts of all the teachers. Dive into Jennifer's incredible performance by clicking the video play button below. offers a wide range of templates to quickly create such captivating content, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking to design engaging H5s.