Discover the captivating story of 'Pingping's Magical Journey', a H5 interactive experience crafted using the powerful online design tools provided by Eqxiu. This horizontal template, 'Leave the City Cannot Do Without Heart,' captures the essence of a young traveler's emotional journey as she embarks on a quest to retrace Marco Polo's footsteps. With a height of 172cm and a weight of 55kg, Pingping's journey is a poignant reflection on the heartwarming memories of the cities she leaves behind. The narrative, filled with poetic imagery, evokes the bittersweet emotions of parting, love, and the passage of time. As you explore this richly designed H5, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where every click reveals a new layer of emotional depth. Made possible with Eqxiu's intuitive online design platform, this work showcases the versatility and creativity of Eqxiu's templates, allowing anyone to quickly create captivating digital stories. Join the Eqxiu community and bring your own magical journey to life. - DESERT - Magic Card creation, WeChat: zhongyixx. Magic Circle Recruitment - Made by ZY Kids. Magic Circle Recruitment, updated daily, featuring model and etiquette recruitment. Scan the QR code to follow. offers a rich selection of templates for fast and efficient online design, making it the ideal platform for creators like Pingping.