Discover the inspiring story of Wang Qun, a successful case study from Weimei Academy, who achieved both winning a grand prize and opening a grand store. As a beautiful full-time housewife with an outstanding personality and a happy family life, Wang Qun found her passion in makeup through Weimei Academy. Her journey began in 2014 when she decided to pursue makeup training at Weimei. Her time at the academy was marked by her strong personality and numerous memorable experiences, which eventually led her to fall in love with makeup and expand her social circle. During her 60-day training, Wang Qun not only mastered the skills but also participated in various events, which brought her luck when she won a silver award at the Maybelline Gold Fashion Award in China. This achievement provided her with a significant boost, and she went on to become the go-to makeup artist for many brides. Post-graduation, Wang Qun ventured into creating her own fashion and lifestyle studio, offering a variety of services including makeup, nail art, and beauty treatments. She also contributed to public welfare activities using her skills. All this was made possible through the use of's online design tools and a rich template library, enabling her to quickly and efficiently create her H5 masterpiece.