Explore the innovative H5 category work titled 'Dongfang Jian' (Eastern Strength) crafted using the powerful online design platform eqxiu.com. This work showcases a detailed process of animal immune health, emphasizing the effectiveness of blood proteins in combating diseases. The process involves administering a series of mandatory immunizations to healthy animals to produce high-titer immune responses. Blood is then collected, processed through sedimentation into three layers, and finally, sterilized, detoxified, and preserved. Centrifugation yields the blood protein, which differs from conventional preparations and vaccines in its direct neutralizing effect on viruses, leading to a根治 cure without recurrence. With a low incidence of allergies and no drug residues, blood proteins are ideal for prolonged treatment needs, often requiring only two injections. The product center features a range of animal health medications including bovine, avian, ovine, porcine, and canine drugs. Presented by Henan Dongfang Jian Animal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the work is a testament to the efficiency and ease of use of eqxiu.com's templates for quick and effective creation.