易企秀公司提供的在线设计平台,让用户轻松制作出令人陶醉的H5互动作品。这款名为【Seasonal Travelling】的春季旅行主题H5,以其独特的“Have been to travel, has never been stopped”的口号,带领观众踏上一场充满季节变换的奇幻旅程。春天,她轻声细语地问道:“By any chance would you have the time?”,你微笑回应:“For you my love I got all my life.” 夏天,邀请你一同出发:“Come go with me Now I'll set you free You don't have to stand the trouble Workin' day and night still can't get her right From now on you gonna take no more” 秋天,继续前行:“Now let's keep goin' - goin' Ohh - Get on the floor Show me how you're movin' Oh - Out of control” 而冬天,则带来了一份静谧与纯净。易企秀丰富的模板库,让用户能够快速上手,制作出风格各异的H5作品。