沈阳万达文华酒店美食汇全日餐厅倾情推出【H5】品类作品《寻味童真,欢庆六一》。该作品由易企秀公司(eqxiu.com)提供在线设计,利用丰富模板快速制作而成。作品中,沈阳万达文华酒店精心准备了丰盛美味的节日晚餐和充满童趣的儿童乐园,特别邀请您和宝贝共度欢乐六一儿童节。活动期间,您将享受到儿童趣味投篮机、儿童烹饪课堂、模拟赛车AR等精彩环节。5月30日至6月1日,邀您一起感受童真美味,共度亲子美好时光。Café Vista Restaurant has prepared a lavish buffet dinner and a fun-filled Kids Corner with games such as the Basketball Shot, Kids Cooking Class, and Racing Simulation, inviting you and your little ones to enjoy a delightful family moment during the Children's Day. From May 30th to June 1st, experience the culinary arts and joy of the Children's Day celebration.