Discover the captivating story of the handsome star Kris Wu, also known as Lay, in this exquisite H5 creation designed by This online design platform offers a vast array of templates that enable users to quickly and effortlessly produce stunning digital experiences. The H5 titled '男神' (Menshen, or 'The God of Men') narrates the journey of Wu, from his birth in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, to his rise as an actor and singer. Wu's career took a significant leap when he joined SM Entertainment in 2007 and later became a member of EXO, serving as the captain of EXO-M. After his return to China in 2014, he starred in the movie 'A Place Only We Know,' directed by Xu Jinglei. The H5 beautifully encapsulates the essence of life, comparing it to a journey where the destination is less important than the sights and the feelings along the way.'s online design capabilities ensure that such compelling narratives are brought to life with ease and professionalism.