Discover the H5 masterpiece titled '111' crafted with the power of's online design tools. This art hall, established in August 2004, has been a beacon of creativity and a sanctuary for both national and provincial masters, who have offered profound guidance and care. The hall boasts a serene exterior and a vibrant interior, balancing traditional elegance with contemporary spirit. It is a brand that sits in an ancient city, overlooking the world, and thrives in the heart of Aka, blooming with new ideas. Its mission is to serve the public by fostering art and culture, bridging the gap between art and the masses, and becoming an integral part of the city's fabric. It also serves as a platform for investment and collection, ensuring every piece is meticulously curated for authenticity. Over the years, the hall has showcased high-caliber collections by renowned artists, solidifying its position as a crucial venue for public art appreciation.