Explore the exquisite H5 piece created by Eqxiu, showcasing the École Supérieure Libre d’art de Paris (Michel SURET-CANALE). This renowned institution, known for its independent spirit and free thinking, is a full-time professional art academy under the French Ministry of Education. With a rich history, ESLAP, as it is abbreviated, traces back to the 1949-founded Fondation de l'École Supérieure Libre d’Art, and is one of the top professional art schools in France. The introduction of the piece highlights the artistic achievements and educational contributions of Michel SURET-CANALE, who has served as the president of this prestigious academy, alongside his roles as an artist, educator, and a doctoral degree holder in art sciences from the Sorbonne University. Designed with Eqxiu's online design tools and templates, this H5 piece allows for quick and efficient creation, making it an excellent choice for showcasing the beauty and culture of ESLAP. School address: 24 Rue de la Faisanderie, 75.