Explore the world of robotics with our interactive H5 titled '5.12 牛牛 扫地机器人' designed by Eqxiu.com. This engaging and educational experience, '做中玩,玩中学!', introduces the Echo robotic vacuum through an interactive Q&A format, showcasing its advanced capabilities with an automatic turn feature powered by an ultrasonic sensor. The lesson begins with the basic assembly of a robot car, teaching children various methods to increase the number of holes for a sturdy structure, while encouraging hands-on experimentation. The teacher acts as a guide, assisting in identifying and solving problems, thereby honing the child's problem-solving skills. Observing children's enthusiasm when they achieve even small successes, we are reminded of the importance of achievement for both adults and children. Blocks are a perfect toy that allows children to experience a sense of achievement. With Eqxiu.com's online design platform and a rich library of templates, creating such engaging and educational content is fast and easy.
5.12 牛牛 扫地机器人