Please do not take my heart away! This is a product created by Eqxiu, a company that provides online design services with rich templates for quick creation. The product's title is Please Don't Take My Heart Away!, and its description is [insert description here]. The content of the product is about heart, please, walk, why, how, when, what, who, and so on... Some love needs no explanation or interpretation, a few hints can feel those warm feelings. Some reminders flow with the bottomless nostalgia. Those dusts are carelessly flowing, waiting for fate's flower blooming and moon shining. Perhaps, you're not the best, but I'm most concerned about and want the most. This spring is unusually cold, and the night is ice-cold, making my body feel a chill, listening to the wind blowing against the window, feeling endless melancholy, and hitting my heart. Spread out your palms, time has passed, and the years have gone by, leaving behind many people and things, transforming into a thin winter. Time's harshness, I don't know what to do with it. The wear and tear of life, the wind and rain have been traveling, those painful scars cannot be sewn up, and I can only watch it with my eyes open, but I'm powerless. Fallen leaves are drifting away, leaving no life signs behind. In that gone-by time, what should I leave behind, and what can I leave behind? I finally understand that having a surplus of heart but being insufficient in strength is such a desperate thing. I don't know how to say it, and I also cannot speak out, as if the fleeting moment of a flower blooming is instantaneous, any sadness cannot be reversed. Time is like a window, now I often look through the window, but I can't see myself. The echoes of past events are something I don't want to hear.