Discover the profound and thought-provoking H5 masterpiece titled 'Happy Every Day' by Jiu Fangming. This piece is a journey through the essence of life, encapsulating the themes of destiny, solitude, and the passage of time. It beautifully illustrates the duality of life, portrayed through the metaphor of wolves and sheep, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and resilience. 'If you are a wolf, you must sharpen your teeth; if you are a sheep, you must strengthen your legs.' This H5, crafted with the power of's online design platform, offers a rich library of templates for quick and easy creation. It highlights the transient nature of time, the cycles of nature, the fleeting beauty of youth, and the impermanence of life. The message is clear: life is about progress, value, and embracing the present. Experience the depth of human philosophy through this captivating digital art, brought to life with the simplicity and convenience of's online design tools.