Discover the Aladdin Academy, an engaging H5 creation designed for children aged 3-12 to master American English. This innovative educational platform, powered by Eqxiu's online design, features a vibrant and interactive interface. Aladdin Academy is dedicated to cultivating American English expression and thinking skills, laying a solid foundation for future global talents. With a unique teaching system based on global educational experts, it caters specifically to the needs of Chinese children learning English as a second language. The curriculum includes a pure American English teaching environment, a small-class teaching approach, and the CILI teaching model. Students enjoy a limited class size of no more than 12 students, and the teaching materials are provided by the prestigious Pearson & Longman group. The 'BIG FUN' curriculum offers a mother tongue-style education, project-based learning, and interactive reading materials. Join us and experience the Aladdin Academy's commitment to fostering values and performance opportunities through team presentations at the end of each semester.
副本-Aladdin Academy