Discover the romantic charm of the 13th issue of Nanjing Airlines Golden Eagle Industry's electronic magazine, brought to you by Eqxiu's online design platform. This H5 work showcases the elegance of Hubei Aviation Hotel, celebrating the Qixi Festival on August 20th. It invites lovers to a special dinner at the hotel's second-floor dining area, offering a tempting array of dishes. The menu includes东坡坛香肉, 煎烧红尾鱼, 妃子笑, 比翼双飞, 海鲜蒸水蛋, 木耳小白菜, 蘸酱小黄瓜, 米饭赠送, and more, all crafted with new flavors and meanings. Each set, priced at 277 yuan, includes a variety of dishes that symbolize love and unity. For those who prefer a more traditional taste, a set of 清蒸武昌鱼, 妃子笑, 情相连, 凉拌毛豆, 火辣辣的吻, 蒜茸蔊菜, 米饭赠送 is available at 177 yuan. The menu also features individual dishes such as 凤尾虾仁, 山东大枣荔枝, 沙滩凤尾虾, and 火辣辣的吻, each with its unique taste and ingredients. Eqxiu's platform allows users to quickly and easily create such engaging and visually appealing H5 works using their rich library of templates.