Discover the enchanting love story of 'Your Darling My Love Story', a H5 category work crafted by Eqxiu, the online design platform known for its extensive template library. This heartwarming tale of a young gentleman and a beautiful lady intertwines their lives in a story as ordinary yet extraordinary as billions of others. The fusion of luxury and personality leads to the birth of 'Darling', a creative wedding service brought to you by Long Fei Feng Wu, a leading wedding planning team in Central China since 2005. With over a decade of expertise, this 10-year-old brand has been dedicated to becoming a wedding design expert, recognized as a founding member and a vice-president unit of the Hubei Wedding Decoration Industry Association. The company, Leng Ge Wedding, is the first outdoor wedding planning expert in Wuhan and a council member of the Hubei Wedding Decoration Industry Association, having won numerous 'Gold Medal Planner' awards. For five years, they have provided the most professional and high-quality private wedding event PR services, delivering unique design and creative wedding solutions that leave a lasting impression.
your Darling my love story