Introducing a captivating [H5] piece titled 'A Banquet of Change' created for the 'An Er Anesthesia Doctor 'Focus on Development, Enhance Value' Training'. This work, crafted using the online design tools from, showcases a rich template library that enables quick and efficient creation. The content of the piece highlights the first client training session in 2016 in Hefei, with the morning fog setting the scene. The training is prepared with the diligent Yang Longbing establishing influence and fun among the An Er Anesthesia talents. The objectives of the training include discovering value directions and defining roles and responsibilities. The training leverages research survey findings to identify opportunities for change, emphasizing the use of own data in discussions, speeches, and sharing. It promotes a vibrant and youthful spirit, fostering a sense of joy and vitality within the An Er Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine team. This piece is a testament to the power of leveraging modern technology for educational purposes and professional development.