Discover the beauty of travel with Eqxiu's online design tool. Our H5 work, '人在途中,心随景动', beautifully narrates the story captured through the lens. This engaging piece emphasizes the essence of traveling, not just the destination, but the journey itself and the heart's journey. Filled with dreams and excitement, it invites viewers to join a journey of exploration, where every step brings new adventures and unexpected delights. offers a rich variety of templates for quick and easy creation, making it the perfect platform for those who wish to share their travel tales. TOURISM Only the future journey you can take me to, we will eventually reach our dream destinations, ready to try new foods and embark on exciting journeys together. Every step of the way brings new adventures, and every heart holds something to look forward to. Life is like a journey, and with Eqxiu, you can capture and share it with the world.