易企秀,作为在线设计平台,为暮色酒吧量身打造了一款精美的H5会员注册页面。页面以“暮色酒吧”为主题,通过描述“暮色BAR,也许有一天你不经意看到他看到里面隐约重合的影子,时光流逝,人海陌生,只当是曾经不再”营造出一种怀旧而神秘的氛围。此外,页面还巧妙地融入了“暮色MUSE,时光可以在记忆中倒流,如同那条唱歌的河又一度慢慢流进我的内心深处,HEART OF SOMA South of Market is a mostly upscale section of the city just south of the Financial District SoMa is a swath of prime real estate stretching from the bay to Highway 101 HEALTH-CAREFACILITIES A community health center providing care to all populations regardless of ability to pay”的元素,展示了酒吧的独特魅力和周边环境。易企秀平台丰富的模板库让用户能够快速制作出专业级的H5作品,而无需深厚的设计功底。