Discover the enchanting world of In Fi Niya with this summer-themed H5 creation, titled 'In Fi Niya – Infinite Love in the Sweltering Summer.' Crafted using Eqxiu's online design platform, this work showcases a rich variety of templates for quick and efficient creation. The story of In Fi Niya originates from a picturesque village in France where the brand's inception is steeped in love and adversity. Dr. Adam and Dr. Gnea, a couple, experienced a tragic accident during a chemical experiment, leaving Gnea with severe burn scars. Faced with medical impossibilities, Adam turned to nature, using flower petals and powders to heal Gnea's wounds. Through countless trials and dedication, they developed a revolutionary cream that restored Gnea's skin to its smooth and flawless state. In Fi Niya transcends a fashion brand, embodying a lifestyle of allure, romance, elegance, and prestige. provides the online design tools for such captivating creations, making it easy to bring stories to life with their diverse template library.