千力佳照明是香港一家专业的低碳照明企业,提供行业领先的大功率COB封装天花灯、筒灯、格栅灯等产品。公司成立于2005年,历尽过多年的努力后,逐步转型为低碳照明产品的研发和生产。随着低碳照明时代的到来,公司在2011年设立了中山市古镇能佳照明电器厂,进一步提升了其产能和质量。 company is a professional low-carbon lighting enterprise in Hong Kong, providing industry-leading COB encapsulated ceiling lamps, tube lights, grille lights, etc. products. The company was founded in 2005 and gradually transitioned to low-carbon lighting product research and development and production over the years. With the coming of the era of low-carbon lighting, the company established a LED lighting factory in Zhongshan Ancient Town, Guangdong Province, China in 2011, further enhancing its capacity and quality.