east-river-hotel multi-function conference hall 5th floor, Dongguan Shunnan Chamber of Commerce First Meeting Invitation Letter To: Yang Hongjie Mr. Dear Sir/Madam! For the sake of accelerating the work of the Chamber of Commerce, according to the requirements of the Dongguan Municipal Social Organization Management Bureau, we have scheduled the first meeting of the Dongguan Shunnan Chamber of Commerce for June 16th (Saturday) at 15:00-17:00 in the multi-function conference hall 5th floor of the East-River Hotel. We cordially invite you to attend and guide us at that time. The agenda is as follows: 1. Members (or representatives) check-in 2. Introduce the leadership and guests 3. Read the report on the preparatory work 4. Publicize the number of members who are expected to be present, actual attendance, and the number of absentees 5. Discuss the articles of association and election procedures 6. Recommend and pass through voting, counting, and monitoring personnel 7. Unnamed voting for council members, chairman, vice-chairman, supervisors' chairman, supervisor 8. Announce the election results 9. Chairman's speech 10. Group photo and dinner Time: June 16th (Saturday) 15:00-17:00
敬呈: 杨洪杰先生