Discover the innovative H5 creation by for the launch of the Jintengli Beauty & Innovation Platform. This platform introduces a revolutionary 0-franchise fee, 0-agent fee, 0-stockholding, 0-deposit business model, saying goodbye to traditional微商 approaches. With Eqxiu's online design tools and a vast library of templates, creating such engaging H5s is quick and efficient. The platform offers a seamless experience with 24/7 self-ordering, automatic profit settlements, and red packet rewards. It features a range of skincare products including the Whitening Essence Set for dull, pigmented, rough, and dehydrated skin, the Eye Energy Essence Set for fine lines, dryness, and other eye concerns, and the EGF Repair & Moisturizing Essence Set for sensitive skin. Join the platform by purchasing just one product and enjoy immediate authorization and a hassle-free, profitable business opportunity.
贵妃·美 众创平台上线