易企秀为您提供高效便捷的在线设计平台,助力您快速制作出优质的H5英语学习作品。本次为您展示的是由易企秀制作的【典范英语3a-L5】课程H5作品。作品内容丰富,以磨耳朵-听说练习为主题,通过生动的故事情节,让孩子们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。故事描述如下:The children were in the sea. They played in the waves. Dad made them laugh. Everyone was cold. Kipper was very cold. Everyone wanted to jog. Kipper sat on the rug. 'Come on, Kipper,' said Mum. 'I'm too cold,' said Kipper. 'Come and help,' said everyone. 'I'm too cold,' said Kipper. 'Ice cream!' said Kipper. He ran to the van. Eeryone looked at Kipper. 'I'm not that cold,' he said. 易企秀丰富的模板库让您的H5作品制作更加得心应手,无论是对英语学习有兴趣的学生,还是需要进行英语教学的教育工作者,都能在这里找到适合自己的设计方案。