Discover the exquisite H5 creation titled 'Meiren Jien' (Beauty Shoulder), a fine porcelain masterpiece crafted with the finest Jiangpo clay, 220cc in size. This online design masterpiece, brought to life by Eqxiu, offers a seamless blend of art and technology, allowing users to appreciate and share the beauty of this porcelain teapot. The description highlights the harmony between humanity and nature, the fusion of art and life, and the joy of travel. The teapot's handle is intricately detailed with soft, natural lines, providing an ultimate sensory experience. The slender spout promises a long, lingering taste, a memory of the most beautiful moments. Crafted with precision by Yitao Sha, this teapot boasts a seven-hole spout, symbolizing the passage of time and the enduring charm it leaves behind. For further inquiries, contact us at 18761574105, email, or via WeChat feng727. Experience the art of porcelain with Eqxiu's easy-to-use online design tools and a vast array of templates to quickly create stunning visual stories.