易企秀提供的在线设计功能让您轻松制作H5课程报告作品。这款名为【课程报告--孙浩扬 Jan.21st】的作品,以简洁明了的方式展示外教对学生的评价,内容丰富且易于理解。通过H5技术,您可以快速构建互动性强的报告,如【课程报告 LESSON REPORT --孙浩扬 Comments外教评语 Peter, great job today! Peter followed my instructions. He described all of the pictures correctly. Moreover, he identified almost every object in the pictures. Peter is a good reader, however he was a bit distracted at the end of the class. He managed to do the exercise on his own. Thank you for our class! Your Mia. Comments外教评语 Peter,今天很棒!你会跟随我的指令配合课上的所有活动,】,使教育评价变得更加直观。易企秀丰富的模板库能帮助您快速完成设计,让您的作品脱颖而出。