Happy New Year!
The 2024龙年上甫屯春节活动 will be held on February 7th, 2024, at香火堂屋 and后头山篮球场 in广西桂林灌阳新街上甫村上甫屯.
The main highlight of the event will be the beauty of the family reunion, with activities such as杀猪,制作打粑粑,油茶, and cultural activities such as dance, bridge, and篮球比赛.
We will also invite本村所有外嫁女及姑爷家属回来团聚, and we will have a dragon and lion dance表演 to make the event more fun and colorful.
The event will be held in a large and盛大的 way, with activities such as the exchange of family photos, and a virtual happy new year message will be displayed on the internet.
The participants will be required to follow the directions on the internet, and we will provide a detailed schedule of the event.
We hope to have a wonderful family reunion and make everyone's life more colorful and enjoyable.
Happy New Year!
龙贺岁 上甫屯春节活动 关键词:春节、活动、龙贺岁、上甫屯、村民、年会、程序、红包、礼仪、饮食、音响、主持、武术、篮球、抽奖、文艺汇演、难忘、家宴、特别邀请、镇领导、村委领导、村民代表、活动主题、喜庆...