Discover the innovative H5 category work '使用荟当家,不交物业费!' from, the leader in online design. This captivating content showcases how you can avoid paying property fees while enjoying the same daily activities like eating, sleeping, and shopping. Created with eqxiu's extensive template library, this work is a testament to their quick and easy design process. The work highlights the benefits of the '荟当家' platform, which was launched on May 10th, offering property fee management through a seamless user experience. Simply sign in via WeChat, link your house, and see your property fees at a glance. The app features a variety of nearby quality merchants, detailed product descriptions, and easy-to-scan QR codes for payment. Your consumption records, gift amounts, and savings are all clearly displayed. With '荟当家,' every purchase gets you closer to avoiding property fees – a smart way to manage your expenses. To stay updated, simply scan the QR code, follow the instructions, and join the community., your go-to platform for online design and creative H5 content.