Discover the culinary artistry of Chongqing's renowned chef Zhao Quan with this H5 piece crafted using the online design tools provided by Eqxiu. This work celebrates Zhao Quan, the founder of Chongqing Weibocai Cuisine, a national senior cook, and a winner of the 2015 second issue of the Oushi Ka Chef Selection. The piece showcases exquisite dishes such as芙蓉鸡片, 川式蒜泥白肉, and 孔雀川味鲍鱼, highlighting the unique method of hot and cold consumption of these delicacies. Enjoy more of Zhao Quan's masterpieces and culinary excellence by following the Oushi Ka WeChat official account. 'People live for food, and food is all about the chef!' This H5 piece exemplifies the power of Eqxiu's platform for quick and easy creation with a rich library of templates.