Discover the essence of love and existence with this exquisite H5 piece crafted by Eqxiu, the leader in online design solutions. Titled 'Because of Love, Because of Bird's Nest,' this interactive H5 showcases the unique journey of the lovebird, a pair of golden-nest swallows, as they lovingly construct a nest over 28 days, a testament to their enduring bond. This nest, made from their own saliva, is the precious bird's nest, a natural elixir rich in collagen and 'bird's nest acid.' As recorded in 'Compendium of Materia Medica,' bird's nest is known for its nourishing properties, benefiting lung yin, alleviating cough, and tonifying the body. Emphasizing the brand 'Yanzhiwu · Bowl Bird's Nest,' this H5 highlights the brand's commitment to purity and quality. Yanzhiwu, a pioneer in the bird's nest industry for 18 years, introduced the 'Bowl Bird's Nest' in 2014, using only the finest golden-nest bird's nest, handpicked, meticulously cleaned, and devoid of any chemical additives. Served in baby bottle-grade materials, this bowl of bird's nest is steamed to perfection at 121°C for 1140 seconds, ensuring the freshest, most nutritious experience. With no additives, colors, fats, preservatives, or nitrates, it is as if freshly cooked, delivering the purest essence of the bird's nest. Liu Jiali, a renowned actress, endorses the brand, reinforcing Yanzhiwu's position as a trusted name in health and culinary delights.