Happy New Year in the old棉库, where the big red happy new year福墙 was created. Here are the new year's wishes on the wall: "天赐百福出片神器,祝你心想事成,万事如意!"
淄博文旅集团, where the 3rd库运动场 is located. The old factory atmosphere makes the场地 and equipment free to use, and people can enjoy全民健身 and participate in happy sports.
怀旧老游戏. 踢毽子,扔沙包,跳大绳, and play some more fun games that were popular in the past. 还可以玩一些经典的游戏,比如滚铁环、扔沙包、跳绳等等。
Happy New Year in the old棉库! 来这个老地方,迎接新的一年!地址导航:海岱传齐文创园(位于重庆路与和平路交叉口红绿灯南100米)开放时间:2月12日-2月17日。