I am waiting for you in Wuhan, where the company's website says "幸福演绎" is a一站式落地服务平台 for female entrepreneurs, with focus on抖音 and social media, as well as线下训练营 and直播赋能课 to extend to services for women's business, career, family, wealth, and physical health等领域. The company also includes COCO, a Chinese魅力女性演说家,情感疗愈导师, and Chinese魅力演说家, while秀涵老师 is the幸福演绎创始人, a美形塑造导师, and a形体和智慧顾问 with the international register of高级优雅仪态认证 and a national register of高级礼仪培训师认证.秋璇老师 is a心理咨询师 and a女性魅力导师, and a婚姻情感咨询师和国家认证高级礼仪培训师.最后,活动时间为12月1日至22日,早上9点到晚上18点30分,活动地址为武汉汉南绿地铂瑞酒店,从酒店的真实场景中可以看出,我们等待着您的到来。
2023.12 武汉,我等你来 - 幸福演绎全球创业女性一站式落地服务平台