Dear 孙渝,
In the hope of building more than just good will, I am writing to invite you to join me on November 22nd at三九蔚泰 at the Test Valley for a羊肉品鉴晚宴. The event will showcase the expertise of our company's滩羊养殖 and加工 process, and will also feature a金丝楠木烤全羊. We hope that you will have the opportunity to enjoy the delicious宁夏滩羊肉, while also sampling the unique and highly recommendable烤羊肉串.
The活动时间 is on November 22nd, and the event location is at the Test Valley in温江区温泉大道四段266号. We hope to see you there!
Best regards,
[Your Name]
邀请参加品羊肉鉴宴活动 - 2023年11月22日