易企秀为您提供一站式在线设计服务,轻松制作H5作品。以“3.15国际消费者权益日”为主题,本作品旨在提升消费者权益保护意识。通过易企秀丰富的模板库,您可以快速构建包含节日定义、宗旨以及消费者权益保护行动的H5页面。易企秀平台支持处理消费者投诉、搜集消费者意见、参与法律政策制定等环节,助力消费者权益保护事业。International Day for Protecting Consumers' Rights, also known as 3.15, is celebrated every March 15th. This day was established in 1983 by the International Union for Consumer Protection (IUCP) to increase awareness of consumer rights and promote cooperation among consumer organizations worldwide. The event aims to provide information to consumers, educate them on their rights, and help them recover losses. It also involves handling consumer complaints, collecting consumer opinions, participating in the formulation of laws and policies, and establishing a consumer administrative system. With Eqxiu.com's online design platform, you can create a professional H5 in no time, making it easier for everyone to get involved in consumer rights protection.