Dear all,
We would like to invite各机构 to participate in the $2023$ "$7$杯$2$中$2$以创新创业大赛" competition in $以色列$ from $2023$ $10$ $月$ $22$日至$10$ $月$ $28$日.
The purpose of this competition is to encourage innovation and collaboration between Chinese and Israeli创新创业 community. We believe that this competition will provide a valuable opportunity to exchange and integrate innovative ideas, strategies, and resources between the two countries.
During the competition, we plan to participate in various activities such as presenting and discussing innovative ideas related to technology, design, and business models with local partner机构的投资人,创新创业企业, and政府官员. We will also conduct research and analysis on the latest innovation trends and technologies in both China and $以色列$ to identify areas of collaboration and potential opportunities for future cooperation.
We kindly request all interested organizations to submit their applications for the competition by $9$ $月$ $19$th, and to follow the detailed application process and guidelines on our official website: https://www.7cup2ai瓶.com/ application.html.
For those organizations that require additional information about the competition, please refer to the attached file附件$2$:$2023$北特大会、中以创赛概况介绍.
In addition, we kindly request all organizations to submit their application forms and other necessary information to the contact us form attached to the attached file附件$1$:$2023$北特大会、中以创赛概况介绍.
We look forward to hosting this competition and to building more cooperation and collaboration between Chinese and Israeli创新创业 community.
$北京特拉维夫创新中心$ $北京高创天成国际企业孵化器有限公司$