Happy Birthday to Chen Wei, the man who made our lives anew!
Looking forward to a new year filled with joy, health, and退休 life!
We all have a路在心中,心中有光,Happy Birthday to us!
Thank you for your warmth and support during our journey together!
On this special day, we celebrate Chen Wei's birthday and invite you to join us for a memorable night at the南山食养南山民宿四季餐厅.
The庆祝活动 will be held on十月十四th at 18:00, and we will have a delicious meal, music, and a great atmosphere to share in our conversation, memories, and感慨岁月的流转.
You will have the opportunity to be a part of this special moment, and your presence will be my greatest honor.
Please confirm your attendence by十月十三th, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
We look forward to the new year, the new you, and a life that is通透,温热, and full of love.
Happy Birthday!