【H5】品类作品,标题是【重阳节免费版】,描述为【重阳节老人节礼品促销活动宣传】,作品内容为:每逢佳节倍思亲 独在异乡为异客 遍插茱萸少一人 遥知兄弟登高处 according to existing historical records and examination, the source of Re youth festival can be traced back to ancient times. Ancient times, in autumn with abundant harvest, there were festivals to sacrifice heaven, and sacrifices to ancestral deities. The Re youth festival originated from this ancient form of worship, and developed into its current form during the Spring and Autumn period and later became popular during the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, it was a time when traditional customs and rituals were refined and standardized, and this custom has been passed down to the present day. The ritual of worshiping ancestors on Re youth festival is a long-standing custom that holds deep significance. Re youth festival, along with the Mid Autumn Festival, Qingming Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival, are considered China's traditional four major ancestor festivals.