请从SEO角度,为易企秀用户制作的作品生成介绍,该作品是【H5】品类作品,标题是【三亚·天涯之约 Love is the fairy tale】,描述为【】,作品内容为【love is only the fairy tale we believe. 爱是我们唯一相信的童话 Love is the fairy tale YUAN FENG/CHENG YIN 冯 源/尹 程 STARRING 2015 三亚 Into my dreams she peeps,with her hair all long and hanging down. 她浮现于我的想境,发丝摇曳 Into my room he creeps,without making a sound 他潜入我的世界,无声无息 we are dancing in the shadow like whispers of love 在光影中起舞,仿佛爱的低语 How he makes me quiver How he makes me smile like flowers that blossom ju】
三亚·天涯之约 Love is the fairy tale