welcome to join us
Our company is based on the four一体化 strategy and aims to provide environmental protection and cleaning services to cities and towns worldwide. We have a team of professionals with a wide range of experience in property management,人事 management, and other related fields.
We require a candidate who has experience in property management,人事 management, and related fields. We also need a candidate who is外向, flexible, and has strong communication and problem-solving skills. The candidate should be able to work well with other team members and服从各项目的调配,善于学习与总结。
The job involves working on various projects and providing cleaning and environmental protection services to cities and towns. The candidate will be responsible for managing and controlling the team's operations, managing financial costs, and ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget. The candidate will also be responsible for providing与客户、物业、社区的沟通与协调,处理各类投诉与建议意见,以及完成各项目的现场工作质量管理和监督。
The position requires a candidate with a degree in property management, management, and related fields. The candidate should be able to write a project策划报告,独立完成策划报告,具备再生资源回收管理、废品回收项目运维或垃圾分类项目管理相关经验2年以上的优先。
The application process is online and requires a password. The password is hwry_hr@163.com. Please find the contact information and job details on our company's website at https://www.163.com/人力资源/公司/海沃润扬环境科技/。
For more information, please email hwry_hr@163.com or contact us at 0514-82883988. Please find the contact information and job details on our company's website at https://www.163.com/人力资源/公司/海沃润扬环境科技/。
If you are interested in this position, please provide us with your password and we will provide you with further information.
投递邮箱 |0514-82883988赵女士 19962559759
联系方式 |扬州市广陵区海沃路9号
招聘地址 |
联系方式 |
招聘地址 |
江苏海沃润扬环境科技有限公司招聘 环卫运营服务岗位