"On this special day, our bride and groom,郎博凯和蔡医莲, are inviting all our friends to our wedding ceremony in珲春市金达莱酒店2号厅. We are surrounded by love, beauty, and happiness, and we want to share this special moment with all of you. We hope that you can be there to见证 our special day, and we hope that you will bring joy and happiness to our lives forever. "
"TheGroom,郎博凯, is a wonderfulgroom, and theBride,蔡医莲, is a beautiful bride. We are both determined to spend the rest of our lives together, cherishing each other, and相守在一起. This is our moment to be together, and we invite all of you to be our friends and见证 our special day. We hope that you will bring joy and happiness to our lives forever."