Discover the engaging and interactive H5 work titled 'New Power (2015) Volume III', featuring a captivating narrative set around a game of Tangram. This captivating tale unfolds with the slogan 'Let go of the Tangram!' and takes us back to a memorable night of fun and teamwork during the first day of the New Power (2015) workshop on March 28, 2015. Participants were divided into 7 groups, with one group being the most skilled in management. Each group received a task sheet and a set of Tangram pieces to complete tasks within a 40-minute timeframe to achieve a score of 1000 points. The game encouraged creativity and teamwork as groups exchanged pictures and Tangram pieces through the central group. Experience this innovative and exciting event with the easy-to-use and versatile online design platform provided by, where a rich variety of templates are available to create such engaging content swiftly.