党建学习园地 深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 第四期 中共哈尔滨银行股份有限公司农垦分行委员会 2023年12月Deepening learning and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era Chinese socialist thoughts Learning garden for party building dynamic October 10, According to the unified deployment of the Party Committee of Harbin Bank, the Party Committee of Harbin Branch conducted a Party building mobilization meeting on the branch. The secretary of the branch and the chairman of the branch Zhang Yifei emphasized that the branch will take political responsibility from the height of politics. fully understand the great significance of conducting patrol work, and the whole staff will actively cooperate with patrol work, and truly enhance their sense of supervision and responsibility. Deepening learning and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era Chinese socialist thoughts Learning garden for party building dynamic October 20, The branch organized a meeting to summarize the past period of work and supplement questions.