Happy New Year!
We are hosting a "New Year's庙会游园活动" at童步成长托育中心 on January 13th, 2024.
The theme of the event is "喜迎龙年,‘庙’趣横生" and we will be showcasing various cultural activities to experience the vibrant and喜庆 atmosphere of the new year.
You can participate in various activities such as writing春联, playing the "福" game,投壶, and more. We will also be providing food and小吃 to enjoy while逛庙会.
This event is open to all全体师生家长 and提前预约的幼儿, as well as any children age 1-3 who are interested in learning about the童步成长托育中心.
We will be conducting various activities during the event to keep you engaged and to make the experience more fun.
In addition, we will be providing a variety of free prizes, including free幼儿生活费、课时包 and现金红包, for all participants.
Please join us on January 13th at 9:30 am to experience the fun and excitement of the New Year's庙会游园活动!