· Happy New Year · At Chinese Telecommunications Digital Technology Cloud Network Product部, we are dedicated to driving innovation and growth through hard work and dedication to customer service. In 2023, we focused on improving our product capabilities through a focus on user experience, received many awards including the OSCAR open source best practice案例 from中国电信 and other companies, and our Cloud磐 and Cloud聚 products were recognized as having a 90%++ code自主率测试 score.
We also participated in the network equipment升级, architecture optimization, and带宽扩容等方面 to strengthen our network's承载能力, which allowed us to achieve a top 8% performance score in the D&O test for the Cloud磐 product. We also received recognition for our open source software development work, which allowed us to enter the product成果转化清单 and receive recognition from theSNAI best practice案例 award.
In 2023, we received 20 awards for our products and services, and our Cloud产品部共计获得了20项权威奖项,完成重点产品资质13项,其中云阶、云磐、云聚均通过源代码自主率测试,达到了90%+以上。我们还与电信全渠道运营中心联合成立的数字零售产研中心,合作新模式,承接新任务,探索新领域,并成功申报工信部工业互联网项目建设,孵化了翼诊工业互联产品。
We also received recognition for our work on the network equipment upgrade, architecture optimization, and带宽扩容, which improved our network's performance and allowed us to achieve a top 8% performance score in the D&O test for the Cloud磐 product. We also participated in new projects and challenges, and we successfully launched our own 5G消息 platform in Shanghai with the support of our company's集成交付研发链重点研发任务, which was recognized by theSNAI best practice案例 award.
In 2024, we will continue to strive for excellence, stay focused on our work, and collaborate with our clients to create a better future through hard work and dedication to customer service. We are committed to creating a new standard in open source software development, and we will continue to innovate to stay ahead of the latest technology trends. We are also excited to enter 2024, and we will continue to strive for excellence, stay focused on our work, and collaborate with our clients to create a better future through hard work and dedication to customer service.
中电信数智科技云网产品部 2023年回顾与展望