Welcome to attend the第二届京东地区妇幼心身健康研讨会 on 2023-10-13 in Beijing, China.
The purpose of this研讨会 is to explore the relationship between emotion and personality health in women and children, and to promote the exchange of information and experiences among妇幼保健机构 professionals in京东地区, to further expand the scope of妇幼健康 service in Xuzhou.
The研讨会 will be held on 2023-10-13 at 9:00 am in the Xuzhou妇幼保健院 building on the third floor of the white楼, and the conference address is located at ().
The program will be held from 08:30 am to 09:00 am, and from 09:00 am to 09:10 am, and from 10:10 am to 11:10 am, and from 11:10 am to 12:10 am, and from 13:00 am to 14:00 am, and from 14:00 am to 15:00 am, and from 15:00 am to 16:00 am, and from 16:00 am to 17:00 am.
The program will include a presentation on the relationship between personality and emotion health in women and children by Zhang玥红, a senior妇检妇女主任 of Xuzhou妇幼保健院, and a discussion on the comprehensive approach to personality and emotion health management in women's healthcare by Wang楠, a senior妇检妇女主任 of Xuzhou妇幼保健院.
A午餐 and午休 will be held from 12:10 am to 13:00 am, and a discussion on personality and emotion health management in青春期妇女妇女心理健康干预 by Zhang召学, a senior妇检妇女主任 of Xuzhou妇幼保健院, and a presentation on the comprehensive approach to personality and emotion health management in孕妇心理健康干预 by Zhang玥红, a senior妇检妇女主任 of Xuzhou妇幼保健院.
A final discussion and analysis will be held by an international speaker and a local speaker on the relationship between emotion and personality health and the impact of personality and emotion health on妇女心理健康.
The program is designed to bring together professionals from Xuzhou妇幼保健院, and to provide an opportunity for all interested parties to learn and exchange knowledge.
We invite all attendees to participate in this valuable conference, and to be present and contribute to the exchange of information and experiences.
Thank you for your attention and participate in this event.