EnterPrise Publicity and the人力资源管理 department wish all our colleagues a new year's greeting in the form of a苏泊尔保温杯. We also祝贺 the 48强选手获得爱奇艺季卡一张, 4th - 8th places are reserved for the final match. The final match was between the two groups A and B, and the following individuals were awarded an爱奇艺季卡:郭峰,刘勇,吴攀,苏小强,张霞,高亚,食品华南现代张霞,食品西南现代聂菊香,饮料华南现代段利艽,食品西南现代倪元琴,饮料西南现代任志钊,饮料华南现代刘宝峰,食品华北现代刘宝峰,食品华南现代曾小敏,饮料华南现代乔旭艳,食品华中现代林永丰,饮料东南现代郑小琴,饮料华南现代王冬梅,饮料华南现代彭春慧,饮料华中现代郭春梅,饮料西北现代乔旭艳。 We also wish all the 48强选手 a successful performance in the final match, good health and happiness in the new year. Thank you!