Discover the heartwarming H5 campaign titled 'Light up Micro Wishes' by Jin Da's 'Little Swallows' program. Each individual has a wish, big or small, and when shared, it becomes everyone's wish. United, we create a brighter future. This summer, join us in understanding the needs of the 'Little Swallows', children of new residents in Zhejiang Jin Yuan and Jin Da Ramie, to provide them with more care and support. Feel the warmth of Jin Da with these micro wishes! The campaign includes: 1. Micro Wish Collection, open to the children of Zhejiang Jin Yuan and Jin Da Ramie, with collection forms available at the office until July 31st. 2. Micro Wish Adoption, where the company's trade union filters the wishes and publishes them for adoption, with the initiative led by the company's Communist Party members from August 1st to August 7th. Create and share your dreams with Jin Da, powered by's online design platform, which offers a variety of templates for quick and easy creation.