时间:2023.11.16 14:00 - 2023宁夏丰庆年终答谢暨新品发布会- Welcome to the 2023宁夏丰庆年终答谢暨新品发布会! We would like to welcome you to our annual conference and expo for 2023. We also invite you to come and experience the latest products and services from our company. Our company has been providing top-notch service to farmers and农民朋友们 for many years, and we are committed to continuing to do so. We hope you can join us in this exciting journey. We will be holding a product introduction and company's annual report presentation on the same day, and we will also have a technical and product presentation by our expert team. We would be happy to provide you with more information and details at your convenience. The conference address is 2nd floor of智选假日酒店, and the contact number is 17509518888 (Li经理), 13469667697 (闫经理)! Thank you for your time and attention!