Discover the captivating story of 'The Gold Eight Flowers on West Lake' through this H5 work crafted with the powerful 'Online Design' tool provided by This dynamic and visually appealing H5 showcases eight golden flowers in the serene beauty of West Lake, intertwining with the legend of White Snake. The journey begins in Tianjin, continues through the historic Beijing Tiananmen Square, and culminates in a nostalgic lookback at the former graduates' experience as spectators and now as the protagonists in their own graduation season. The eight golden flowers' adventure leaves their footprints across the bustling cities of Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou. From Tianjin's 'Jiliu' to Beijing's roasted duck, Shanghai's night tours, and Hangzhou's traditional cuisine, the flowers leave their mark in style. The H5 celebrates joy and companionship, inviting viewers to join in the celebration. With's rich collection of templates, creating such engaging H5s has never been easier.